St. Paul Lutheran Preschool & Child Care Center

257 E. King St., Suite 2  Strasburg, VA  22657                                  Phone: (540) 465-2393    

We offer a full range of classes that foster your child’s individual growth.

Fill out our enrollment form. Our staff is available to answer your questions.

​We currently have openings

​in all rooms

​Call us today at 540-465-2393.       "A place where learning is FUN!"

What's Happening at

St. Paul Lutheran Preschool 

and Child Care Center  



Child-First Curriculum

          Fun times at SPLPCCC!!!

                                        Check out some of the fun happenings at SPLPCCC:)



We believe that every child is unique and will grow at his or her own pace. Our teachers spend time nurturing children’s strengths and encouraging them to reach new heights.